Web3 Startup Pitch

Online event

**ABOUT** **US** Every month StartupBlink Curators brings you the most interesting startup events online or in your city or globally. **ABOUT THIS EVENT** This event is hosted by **BFG Superstars** (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/web3-startup-pitch-apr-tickets-554465068947?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch&keep_tld=1) **Follow this link for the most up-to-date info about the event’s time. You should register via this link. After register, organizer send you a […]

6th International Golf Tournament & Cultural Program GAMARJOBA

Tbilisi Hills Golf

We are pleased to announce that the 6th International Golf Tournament & Cultural Program “Gamarjoba” will take place in spring 2023 “Gamarjoba” is an international tournament that welcomes golf enthusiasts from all over the world to experience our unique golf course at Tbilisi Hills.Do not miss a chance to be a part of this exciting […]

Tbilisi Meditation Group

Guided meditation every Wednesday at my home. Life is busy and crazy sometimes so it’s important to stop, breath and go within to find that much needed inner peace. Please arrive by 7:45pm for 8pm start. There is no cost. Come alone or bring a friend. Numbers are limited to 10 people so please RSVP […]

Tbilisi Meditation Group

Guided meditation every Wednesday at my home. Life is busy and crazy sometimes so it’s important to stop, breath and go within to find that much needed inner peace. Please arrive by 7:45pm for 8pm start. There is no cost. Come alone or bring a friend. Numbers are limited to 10 people so please RSVP […]

Tbilisi Meditation Group

Guided meditation every Wednesday at my home. Life is busy and crazy sometimes so it’s important to stop, breath and go within to find that much needed inner peace. Please arrive by 7:45pm for 8pm start. There is no cost. Come alone or bring a friend. Numbers are limited to 10 people so please RSVP […]

StartupBlink’s Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2023 Launch Event

Online event

Join us for the highly anticipated launch event of StartupBlink’s Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2023 (GSEI2023) on May 30th, 2023. This online event will take place in two sessions, providing attendees from around the world the opportunity to participate at their convenience. The first session will begin at 9 AM CET, followed by the second […]