Tbilisi Meditation Group

Guided meditation every Wednesday at my home. Life is busy and crazy sometimes so it’s important to stop, breath and go within to find that much needed inner peace. Please arrive by 7:45pm for 8pm start. There is no cost. Come alone or bring a friend. Numbers are limited to 10 people so please RSVP […]

Khevsureti Overnight Tour (Shatili and Mutso)

ფშავ-ხევსურეთის ეროვნული პარკი / Pshav-Khevsureti National Park

Join us on an off-road adventure to the historical region of Khevsureti. Let’s cross the sky-reaching Datvisjvari Pass, and immerse ourselves in the epic panorama of medieval fortified villages, powerful mountain streams, and hidden valleys. The land of myths, folk tales, and centuries-long history awaits us! ????Dates: Choose the date while booking! Sat 15 Jul […]

Tbilisi Meditation Group

Guided meditation every Wednesday at my home. Life is busy and crazy sometimes so it’s important to stop, breath and go within to find that much needed inner peace. Please arrive by 7:45pm for 8pm start. There is no cost. Come alone or bring a friend. Numbers are limited to 10 people so please RSVP […]

Tusheti 3-Day Adventure

Tusheti National Park

Tusheti Season is OPEN! Join us on a tour to Tusheti – a remote paradise of untouched nature with breathtaking views that you will never forget! It’s best place for hiking, beautiful villages, and Tushetian food! Dates: Choose the date while booking! Fri to Sun ????7-9 July ????21-23 July ????4-6 August ????18-20 August ????1-3 September […]

Tbilisi Meditation Group

Guided meditation every Wednesday at my home. Life is busy and crazy sometimes so it’s important to stop, breath and go within to find that much needed inner peace. Please arrive by 7:45pm for 8pm start. There is no cost. Come alone or bring a friend. Numbers are limited to 10 people so please RSVP […]

Chaukhi Pass – Trek Juta to Roshka

Juta, Georgia

Join us on a challenging overnight trek over Chaukhi Pass. We will porceed from the scenic Juta Valley to the stunningly colorful Abudelauri Lakes. Only for Intermediate or ADVANCED hikers! Dates: Choose the date while booking ????Sat 1 Jul – Sun 2 Jul ????Tue 1 Aug – Wed 2 Aug Duration: 2 days/ 1 night […]

[GEO] ხელოვნური ინტელექტი და სარეკომენდაციო სისტემები საბანკო პროდუქტებისთვის

Lineate Georgia 13 Mikheil Tamarashvili St, T'bilisi, ge

DataFest Tbilisi გიწვევთ მონაცემთა მეცნიერების მორიგ მითაფზე, რომელზეც ვისაუბრებთ **საბანკო პროდუქტებში ხელოვნური ინტელექტისა და სარეკომენდაციო სისტემების გამოყენებაზე**. ღონისძიების მთავარი პარტნიორია საქართველოს ბანკი, მასპინძელი – Lineate Georgia, ხოლო მხარდამჭერები – გრანთ თორნთონი და ფორსეტი. შეხვედრაზე, საქართველოს ბანკის პროდუქტის მაგალითზე, განხილული იქნება შემდეგი საკითხები: – სარეკომენდაციო სისტემის დანერგვა საბანკო ინდუსტრიაში და რა ბიზნეს პრობლემის გადასაჭრელად არის ის […]

Tbilisi Meditation Group

Guided meditation every Wednesday at my home. Life is busy and crazy sometimes so it’s important to stop, breath and go within to find that much needed inner peace. Please arrive by 7:45pm for 8pm start. There is no cost. Come alone or bring a friend. Numbers are limited to 10 people so please RSVP […]

Tusheti 3-Day Adventure

Tusheti National Park

Tusheti Season is OPEN! Join us on a tour to Tusheti – a remote paradise of untouched nature with breathtaking views that you will never forget! It’s best place for hiking, beautiful villages, and Tushetian food! Dates: Choose the date while booking! Fri to Sun ????7-9 July ????21-23 July ????4-6 August ????18-20 August ????1-3 September […]

Tbilisi Meditation Group

Guided meditation every Wednesday at my home. Life is busy and crazy sometimes so it’s important to stop, breath and go within to find that much needed inner peace. Please arrive by 7:45pm for 8pm start. There is no cost. Come alone or bring a friend. Numbers are limited to 10 people so please RSVP […]

Udziro Lake & Racha Trekking Tour

Udziro Lake

Join us on an adventure to Udziro Lake, perched deep in Racha region. Pack your tent and sleeping bag, and get ready for stunning views. The trek is perfect for advanced hikers looking for a thrilling trail. ????Date: Fri 11 Aug to Sun 13 Aug ????Duration: 3 days/2 Night ????Driving distance: 650 km ????Trip difficulty: […]

Khevsureti Overnight Tour (Shatili and Mutso)

ფშავ-ხევსურეთის ეროვნული პარკი / Pshav-Khevsureti National Park

Join us on an off-road adventure to the historical region of Khevsureti. Let’s cross the sky-reaching Datvisjvari Pass, and immerse ourselves in the epic panorama of medieval fortified villages, powerful mountain streams, and hidden valleys. The land of myths, folk tales, and centuries-long history awaits us! ????Dates: Choose the date while booking! Sat 15 Jul […]