წლის პირველი DroidUp x Flutter შეხვედრა. გვეყოლება მოწვეული სპიკერი, Flutter/Dart GDE
18 იანვარს, საღამოს 8 საათზე, GDG Tbilisi გიწვევთ ტექ.შეხვედრაზე Flutter-ის გარშემო.
???????? ალექსანდ დენისოვი – EPAM, Chief Software Engineer, Flutter and Dart GDE. 20 წლიანი გამოცდილებით IT სფეროში. საშა არის ფლატერ დისციპლინის ხელმძღვანელი EPAM-ში.
Compose Flutter Modules in your Android app
Explore the process of embedding Flutter into existing Android applications in this live coding session. Learn how to seamlessly integrate Flutter with your native code, rendering multiple Flutter modules on a single screen and incorporating them into a Jetpack Compose hierarchy. Discover the techniques and best practices for successfully integrating Flutter into your Android app. Join us for this informative session and level up your app development skills.
ადგილი: GeoLab
დასწრება თავისუფალია
სამუშაო ენა: ინგლისური
Flutter x DroidUp meetup, first event of the year. Guest speaker, Google Developers Expert for Flutter/Dart.
???????? Sasha Denisov – is an experienced software developer with a rich background, in IT for more than 20 years. He worked with different stacks in backend, frontend and mobile fields, but since 2018 his main interest is Flutter. Sasha is a Chief Software Engineer and Head of Flutter Discipline in EPAM. Also, he is Flutter and Dart GDE and Co-Organizer of Flutter Berlin community.
Compose Flutter Modules in your Android app
Explore the process of embedding Flutter into existing Android applications in this live coding session. Learn how to seamlessly integrate Flutter with your native code, rendering multiple Flutter modules on a single screen and incorporating them into a Jetpack Compose hierarchy. Discover the techniques and best practices for successfully integrating Flutter into your Android app. Join us for this informative session and level up your app development skills.
January 18th, 8PM
Location: Geolab
Language: English